No 1 Information Portal

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

71RRI Nigerian Army e-Recruitment Closes 21st June, 2014


The 2014 71RRI Nigerian Army e-Recruitment Portal will close on 21st June, 2014. Interested persons who are yet to apply for the 2014 Nigerian Army recruitment should take action between now and midnight of Saturday, 21st June. A statement on the official website of Nigerian Army e-Recruitment Portal website reads:
71RRI Nigerian Army e-Recruitment

2014 Nigerian Army e-Recruitment Closing Date

71RRI Recruitment will close at 12 mid-night on Saturday 21st June, 2014.
The Nigerian Army reserves the right to prosecute any individual or group found to have fraudulently gained access to this site or information contained in it. Applicants are therefore advised to obtain their e-Vouchers directly through this portal or buy paper vouchers from the designated banks.

We wish you the very best with your application!!!

71RRI Nigerian Army e-Recruitment Closes 21st June, 2014 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown