This voice 2go is a powerful app, it helps to make calls. I do not feel typing much but just follow the step below to explore the net.
How To Download Voice 2go
*. With a computer connected to the internet, you are to download the XFINITY Connect app from the Google Play store or iTunes.
*. Now hit the Call button on the bottom tray of the XFINITY Connect app and it automatically brings up the sign up button for the Voice 2go.
*. Sign Up.
*. Sign up and you will be promoted to either activate both Inbound and Outbound calls.
*. It mandetly for you to read the Terms and Conditions, then click Accept.
*. After confirming a blue text will appear contextually depending on your choice to activate Inbound calls, Outbound calls, or both.
You can create a Personal Phone Number with the use of Voice 2go.
How To Create Voice 2go on Personal TNs
*. Visit this link and click on My Account.
*. Now sign in with your primary Comcast ID and password or you can create.
*. Then Select the Users & Setting stab.
*. Now click on the Email & Voice Setting stab.
*. Then hit on Voice 2go under Additional Voice Features which are in the Voice settings.
*. Finally,tap Add Personal Phone Numbers and follow the Add Personal Phone Number wizard. Thats all.
How To Download Voice 2go
*. With a computer connected to the internet, you are to download the XFINITY Connect app from the Google Play store or iTunes.
*. Now hit the Call button on the bottom tray of the XFINITY Connect app and it automatically brings up the sign up button for the Voice 2go.
*. Sign Up.
*. Sign up and you will be promoted to either activate both Inbound and Outbound calls.
*. It mandetly for you to read the Terms and Conditions, then click Accept.
*. After confirming a blue text will appear contextually depending on your choice to activate Inbound calls, Outbound calls, or both.
You can create a Personal Phone Number with the use of Voice 2go.
How To Create Voice 2go on Personal TNs
*. Visit this link and click on My Account.
*. Now sign in with your primary Comcast ID and password or you can create.
*. Then Select the Users & Setting stab.
*. Now click on the Email & Voice Setting stab.
*. Then hit on Voice 2go under Additional Voice Features which are in the Voice settings.
*. Finally,tap Add Personal Phone Numbers and follow the Add Personal Phone Number wizard. Thats all.